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„MaraStrategy” continues according to the project implementation plan

The activities of the “MaraStrategy” project implemented by the Maramureș County Council continue their stages according to the schedule established and approved by the Managing Authority. Procurement procedures are currently underway for: “Services for creating online services portal and GIS management system, providing IT equipment – servers, UPS, server operating licenses and providing GIS licenses”, “Services updating strategic support documents – P.A.T.J. Maramureș and elaboration of documents ”,“ Consulting services for the realization of the Institutional Strategic Plan ”,“ Services for the realization of the web page necessary for the implementation of the Mara Strategy project ”. The implementation of the project ensures the elaboration of a set of plans and strategies at county level coherent and harmonized between the fundamental components, essential for territorial and sectoral development. Thus, the County Planning Plan will be updated and correlated with the strategic directions of territorial development.

Through the Mara Strategy project, the economic sector will be supported with the elaboration of the County Investment Plan, which will allow a better knowledge of the investment needs, requirements and trends of business development. If until now at the level of Maramureș County Council, the tourism field was part of the “Sustainable Development Strategy of Maramureș County for the period 2014-2020”, the Mara Strategy project will develop a distinct strategy in the field of tourism. Thus, the Sectoral Strategy for the development of county tourism will ensure an optimal substantiation of future decisions in the field based on clear, unitary analyzes and proposals, based on scientific research and conducted by specialists.